Taliesin, Swansea
Following the success of Crime Viral's sell out UK serial killer tour - research psychologist and psychopathy expert Cheish Merryweather will be bringing to the stage for the very first time - MURDER: STAGED.
Did you know that 90% of people believe they can get away with murder - are you one of them? There will be a live psychopath test on the night to find out!
The 'CSI effect' has created a new type of killer – one that is forensically aware and is out to mislead an investigation. This evening will explore the lies embedded in crime scenes and share the expertise from those who dig deep for the truth. You will investigate the five types of stagers: The Planner, The Creator, The Cleaner, The Concealer, The Inflictor.
Featuring forensics, reconstructed real-life crime scene walk-throughs and a deep dive into cases that have not been seen on stage live before. This is an unmissable evening for any true crime fan.
Yn dod i'r llwyfan am y tro cyntaf erioed – MURDER:STAGED
Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod 90% o bobl yn credu y gallant llofruddio rhywun heb cael eu dal - a ydych chi'n un ohonyn nhw? Bydd prawf profi seicopath byw ar y noson i ddarganfod!
Mae'r 'effaith CSI' wedi creu math newydd o laddwr - un sy'n ymwybodol o weithdrefnau fforensig ac sy’n ceisio camarwain ymchwiliad. Yn cynnwys gwaith fforensig, ail-greu golygfeydd o drosedd go iawn a phlymio'n ddwfn i achosion na gwelwyd ar y llwyfan yn fyw o'r blaen. Mae hon yn noson na ellir ei cholli i’r rhai â diddordeb brwd yn y macabre.
🎟 https://www.taliesinartscentre.co.uk/en/performances?id=59977&returnURL=%2Fen%2Fall-events%3Fpage%3D1%26q%3Dmurder 🎟
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ